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Case 01:

Date: 17.08.2023

Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy


The five-key learning from Tylenol’s experience

1. Values based brands outperform non-value-based brands on trust, credibility and listenability. In other words, great companies and great brands stand on a platform of great values. In a crisis It would rather defend the values than the facts.

2. Crisis management is not about public relations driven ‘damage control’. It’s about business continuity. About affirmative strategic, business-centric action with a strong focus on the victims in a crisis.

3. Assume responsibility for the solution, even if we don’t have to, because it’s about the publics’ trust in your brand and the test of your character.

4. Act quickly, honestly and decisively.

5. Good behavior delivers great returns. Remember the high cost of low trust.