Experiential Learning
Industry Academia Connect
Hands on Experiments
Global Immersion Program
Field Research
Guest Speakers

Topic: Industry Institute Interface – Transformation tool for Institution Building
7th Aug,2023 (FN)
Dr.Rupa Gunaseelan
Director, Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneurship Development (BSMED)
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

Topic: New Beginnings for Professional Life
7th Aug,2023 (AN)
Dr.S.Franklin John

Topic: Money Maker
8th August,2023 (FN)
Chairman, Happy Valley Business School

Topic: Can I Be Happy?
8th August,2023 (FN)
Dr. T.Bina
Principal, Happy Valley Business School

Topic: Learn to Lead
8th August,2023 (AN)
Dr.M. Saravanakumar
Associate Professor - Department of Management studies, Anna University Regional Campus, Comibatore.

Topic: Industry 5.0 Manager
9th August,2023 (FN)
Professor and Head, Department of Management Studies, Coimbatore Institute of Technology

Topic: How to enhance your career in MBA
9th August,2023 (AN)
Dr. R.Nandagopal
Director General, Saraswathi Thiyagaraja college, Pollachi
Topic: AI Techniques in Management
1st September,2023
Dr. Nithya Ramachandran
Faculty, Accounting& Finance Section, Department of Business Studies, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra, Sultanate of Oman
Topic: Innovation & Entrepreneurship
08th September,2023
Dr.A S Prabhu
Chairperson, SPK Gems Schools, Director, SPK Group of Companies Thiruchengode
Case Study Methods
Cases Discussed so far
Case 01:
Date: 17.08.2023
Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy
The five-key learning from Tylenol’s experience
1. Values based brands outperform non-value-based brands on trust, credibility and listenability. In other words, great companies and great brands stand on a platform of great values. In a crisis It would rather defend the values than the facts.
2. Crisis management is not about public relations driven ‘damage control’. It’s about business continuity. About affirmative strategic, business-centric action with a strong focus on the victims in a crisis.
3. Assume responsibility for the solution, even if we don’t have to, because it’s about the publics’ trust in your brand and the test of your character.
4. Act quickly, honestly and decisively.
5. Good behavior delivers great returns. Remember the high cost of low trust.